Harvard Alumni of Color Conference 2018


(Click title for link to presentation; Click image for more pictures)

The hip-hop activism project required students to think critically about political and social issues and consider the ways in which these issues were present in their own communities—in some ways even stifling their own progression as members of society. In continuing this kind of criticism of societal issues through the close reading and discussion of texts, we found an opportunity to expand this conversation and disrupt the traditional expectations of education by presenting our ideas at a conference at Harvard University. Two students took ideas they were passionate about, heightened further by class discussions and written inquiry and helped to co-lead a panel discussion in a vulnerable academic and professional space. It was not just the education that transcended the classroom, but like true transcendentalists, the students themselves were transformed—marveled by their own courage and brilliance to have the capacity and gut to do something so commendable and crucial to the progress of education. 


National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention 2018


National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention 2017